Stress is a fact of life. There is no way to escape it. But you can learn to use stress to your advantage. In this session, you will learn to harness the energy provided by the stressful situation and turn it into solutions that will lower your anxiety. Several strategies will be provided to pinpoint the areas on which you most need to focus. At the beginning of this workshop, you will list the three most stressful situations you face. By the end of it, you will design solutions to those problems that will lower your anxiety and help you become a more effective leader.
Vice President , Integrated Leadership Systems
As a vice president for Integrated Leadership Systems, M.J. Clark helps company leaders plan for ownership, management succession and foster more authentic communication. She helps executives better manage stress, become more assertive, mentor others and fine-tune leadership skills. She also works with organizations on staff development and strategic planning. For over 20 years, ILS has provided services for hundreds of nationally recognized companies. M.J. has authored two books on leadership.