Reserve 2025 Booth Space

No other event offers a better face-to-face opportunity to showcase your equipment and services to decision makers from around the world.
As North America’s largest convention center, McCormick Place is the perfect venue for FABTECH 2025. With top-tier facilities, lakefront views, and easy access to Chicago’s vibrant scene, it’s no surprise this city ranks as a top U.S. meeting destination.
FABTECH is a solid, high-quality investment of your marketing dollars that yields exceptional value and positive results. Prepare to build brand awareness, expand market share, collect leads, write orders and increase profits.
195,680 leads were collected at FABTECH 2023 in Chicago— An average of 123 leads per exhibitor. FABTECH 2025 at McCormick Place will help you generate the leads you need to succeed.
Please complete the following fields to download our exhibit space rates and prospectus.
For assistance reserving exhibit space, contact a member of our experienced sales team.
Cara Collins , SME
800-733-3976 x3126
Forming, Fabricating / Tube & Pipe Exhibitors (M-Z)
Ashley Lee , SME
Forming, Fabricating / Tube & Pipe Exhibitors (M-Z)