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For Media and Influencers

Media Resources

Media Registration

Members of the media must meet the criteria of a journalist as published the National Press Club of Washington D.C. Verified press will receive free access to the event and all exhibitor press conferences.

Influencer Registration

We welcome industry influencers to cover the event and ask that qualified influencers meet the criteria and agreements stated below. By registering to attend, verified influencers will receive free access to the event and all exhibitor press conferences. To expedite entry into the show, complete pre-registration.

Influencers are defined as top tier content creators with a following above 1K. All Influencer applicants should regularly post, share and engage with content related to the metal fabrication industry and its vertical markets on social media networks contributing to the 1K following requirement.

Influencers will be required to adhere to the following terms and conditions:

  • Influencers agree to create their own original content, including copy and images, to support and promote FABTECH. Content will be required as credentials to be considered for future events.

  • Influencers agree to post a minimum of three (3) times on their submitted, relevant social media channels before the event using the official show hashtag (#FABTECH2025) and tagging the official FABTECH accounts:

  • Influencers agree to post a minimum of three (3) times during the event using the official show hashtag and tagging the official FABTECH accounts.

  • Influencers may not delete FABTECH content until three months after the event has ended.

  • Influencers must post separate pictures and not albums or stories for their six (6)-post requirement. Any posts beyond the six required posts are welcome to be posted as albums or stories.

  • Hashtags must be added in the caption of the post and not in the comments below.

  • Influencer agreement is effective from the date of registration approval and upon receipt of registration confirmation and valid for the agreed upon months from the effective date.

  • Approved Influencer attendees who do not adhere to the terms and conditions as outlined in the above policy may have their credentials declined and not approved for attendance for future events. Failure to adhere to the three (3) pre- and post-show requirements may lead to declined badge requests for future events.

News Releases

Below is the latest available FABTECH information for your editorial use.


To download a logo, right-click on the image to choose “Save Image As” or click on the PNG/SVG link to download the applicable version.

Note: The logos below are for domestic US events only (Orlando, Chicago, Las Vegas). For the FABTECH Mexico logo, visit and for FABTECH Canada visit

Working Journalists

Working journalists are defined by the National Press Club in Washington D.C. as:

Media Outlet or Journalist

Working as a:

  • Reporter, editor, writer, publisher

  • Editorial or news cartoonist or artist

  • News photographer or videographer

  • Producer, president or general manager

  • Librarian, web master or other editorial employee

Other Qualifications

  • Teach journalism at the college level as their primary professional activity and are an instructor, professor or dean.

  • Are principally a non-fiction author whose work has been published by a commercial printing house.

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