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Exhibitor Marketing Resources

FABTECH offers a number of marketing tools you can use to get the most from your investment. With a mix of complimentary and low-cost opportunities to fit any budget you can maximize your ROI with these pre-show, on-site and post-show options.

View Marketing Checklist [Coming Soon]

Download Brochure [Coming Soon]

Promotional Tools

Increase Your Visibility

Access your Exhibitor Hub to verify your publishable information for the online and print show directory, add the technology categories your company/products represent, upload new product images and descriptions, and more!

Print Show Directory Listing

Submitting a current listing for the printed Show Directory is an important first step to helping buyers find your booth at FABTECH. The Show Directory is distributed to attendees at the show.

Online Directory Listing

Buyers attending FABTECH use the online directory to research companies and plan their must-see list of exhibitors. This valuable tool remains accessible after the event for reference and follow-up.

New Products

One of the primary reasons visitors attend the show is to see new products. Exhibitors may submit new products to be highlighted in the FABTECH print and online directories. Photos and descriptions will appear in the online directory.

Exhibitor Guest Passes

These attention-getting passes provide free show admission. Drop in the mail with a personal note or insert passes into all your company mailings, invoices and business correspondence.

Download Guest Pass

Exhibitor Easy Invites

The Exhibitor Easy Invites Program is a new advocacy tool designed to empower exhibitors to easily promote their participation in FABTECH across social media, email, and other communication channels. The program provides ready-to-use promotional tools that make sharing effortless, helping to drive booth traffic and maximize ROI.

Download Web Banners & Logos

Include the FABTECH banner ad on your company Website and in your promotional emails. Be sure to use the show logo, along with your booth number, on all your ads and mailings.

Visit the Media Resources Page to download web banners, social graphics and logos.

Get the Media to Take Notice

Get your company and products covered by industry publications to strengthen your brand and reach your target audience.

  1. Press Kits

    Provide a digital press kit to the FABTECH Media Center. Press kits should contain company information, news releases, photos, and product information. Exhibitors can deliver kits to the Media Center starting the day prior to show.

  2. Press Conferences

    If your company’s news is of interest to many trade media, a press conference may be the way to go. Host these in your booth so media can see your products up close. Press conferences are scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis.

  3. Registered Media List

    FABTECH provides a list of registered media. Exhibitors may request a list of registered media after August 8, 2025.

  4. Food and Beverage for Press Conferences

    All food and beverage items must be purchased through Sodexo Live!, which has exclusive food and beverage rights within the facility

Using Social Media

Social Media has the power to connect you with targeted audiences. Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn and others can help keep your audience informed with up-to-the-minute details about your participation at FABTECH. How can you best use social media to drive traffic to your exhibit?

Drive Booth Traffic

  • Create a social contest to encourage traffic to your booth

  • Reward attendees for dropping by the booth and signing up on your social media profiles

  • Photographs or short video clips of your product demos can engage your audience

Suggested Social Media Posts

  • See live product demos and get your questions answered @FABTECHexpo. Meet us at Booth XXX Sept. 8-11 in Chicago!

  • Join us Sept. 8-11 at Booth XXX @FABTECHexpo, Chicago, North America’s largest metal forming, fabricating, welding & finishing event!

  • We’ll be at @FABTECHexpo Sept. 8-11 in Chicago. Stop by Booth XXX to see our products in action! Register for free at

Contact us


Please call 800.733.3976 or email us here.

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